About Zandro

Life after retirement for an athlete is without a doubt the toughest adjustment. You either find something to fill the void or reminisce about the good old days. We all know those guys who talk about playing QB in high school. 

Speaking of, I did play QB in high school and college lol 

But after graduating college, I found myself in the most toxic relationship. GOLF! 

We’ve all been there before, struggling to hit a ball that doesn’t move and feeling unathletic. Then there is that magical shot that brought me back! From there it was a wrap, I was hooked and had something to look forward to. 

This blog exists to cover anything and everything golf related. I’ll review the top golf products on the market with simple ‘how to’ guides to help develop your game. Plus, I’ll be covering the best golf destinations as well! 

That’s it! Nothing more, nothing less.

If you want to hear about how I got here, keep reading.

Here’s my story.

I was born on January 23rd, 1993 in Oxnard, CA. My very first love was basketball and still love it to this day. After that, I started my incredibly short soccer season. One and done. Then I dabbled into baseball for a few years, where I played catcher. Surprisingly, my football career lasted the longest, which we will talk about later.

In April of 1999, when I was 6, my little sister Nautika was born. Little did I know, she would have the mannerisms of a brother. Honestly, I didn’t understand the concept of a sibling until we started growing up together.

I went to Camarillo HS, where I played basketball and football all four years. In that span, I had 2 more sisters, Camila & Sarai. Sarai was born during one of my football games. During my senior year, I was blessed to receive a football scholarship to Iowa Wesleyan University. I guarantee 99.99% of you have never heard of this small school in BF Iowa. 

Going into college, I decided (influenced by my dad) to major in computer science. Worst decision of my life. Needless to say, I changed majors. So I decided to major in math. Unfortunately, my school only offered a math education aka being a math teacher. 

There I was, in school with no major. Then I took a finance 101 class and was hooked. I’m not this giant finance bro though, only sort of. I graduated with a finance degree. 

Life after college. 

Fast forward, to my career, I’ve worked for both Northrop Grumman and Raytheon as a financial analyst.

In September of 2022, I married the love of my life, Leah Valencia. 

For all of you that are still reading, thank you! 



Launched in 2022

I thoroughly believe golf is one of the sports that is enjoyed by everyone. 

What can you expect fo find here? Everything and anything golf for the weekend warrior. This includes articles about top products tailored to your game, exercises for elite production and the best golf destinations.

My goal is to make sure people love and play the game of golf with confidence, than the previous day.



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