9 Golf Drills at Home

Golf Drills at Home

We’ll explore a collection of golf drills that can be comfortably practiced in the comfort of your own home. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you’ll have the opportunity to improve your golfing skills while staying indoors. Each drill is designed to help you fine-tune your technique and enhance a proper swing path. 

Top Golf Drills at Home

1. Yard Stick Drill

The yard stick drill works by helping you develop a good impact position. When you hit the ball with the yardstick perpendicular to the ground, you are forced to make contact with the ball in the center of the clubface. This will help you hit the ball more consistently and with more power.


  • A golf club
  • A yardstick


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the golf club in your hands.
  2. Place the yardstick on the ground behind the ball.
  3. Swing the club back, keeping your back straight and your weight evenly distributed.
  4. At the top of the backswing, make sure that the yardstick is perpendicular to the ground.
  5. Then, with a full swing the club down and through the ball, keeping the yardstick perpendicular to the ground.

2. Sock Drill

The sock drill will help will help with help with shallowing the golf club. This drill also helps your swing path and to stop coming over the top 


  • Golf Club
  • Sock


  1. Place a sock over the club head
  2. Stand facing away from the wall
  3. Start with your club at the top of your backswing
  4. With the club head touching the wall
  5. Begin your swing, while the club stays in contact with the wall
  6. Bring back to start position and repeat the motion

3. Mirror Drill

The mirror drill helps you improve your swing mechanics. By practicing in front of a mirror, you can see how your body is moving and make adjustments as needed. This will help you develop a more efficient and repeatable swing.


A mirror and a golf club.


  1. Stand in front of a mirror.
  2. Practice your golf swing.
  3. Pay attention to your grip, stance, and alignment.
  4. Make sure that your swing is smooth and fluid.

4. Pillow Impact Drill

The pillow impact drill is a great way to improve your impact position. It is a simple drill that can be done at home with minimal equipment.


  • A golf club
  • A pillow


  1. Place the pillow on the ground behind the ball.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the golf club in your hands.
  3. Swing the club back, keeping your back straight and your weight evenly distributed.
  4. At the top of the backswing, make sure that the pillow is perpendicular to the ground.
  5. Then, swing the club down and through the ball, keeping the pillow perpendicular to the ground and making contact with the ball.

5. Battery/Two Ball Drill

The battery/two ball putting drill works by forcing you to hit the ball in the center of the clubface. If you hit the ball off-center, the ball on the right will not move. This helps you develop a consistent putting stroke that will lead to more made putts.


  • 2 golf balls
  • A putting mat or a smooth surface
  • A battery (optional)


  1. Place 2 golf balls on the putting mat or smooth surface, about 6 inches apart.
  2. Stand behind the balls and align yourself so that the ball on the left is directly in line with the battery (if using one).
  3. Make your putting stroke, aiming to hit the ball on the left.
  4. If you hit the ball on the left, the ball on the right should also move.
  5. If the ball on the right does not move, you have not hit the ball on the left in the center of the clubface.

6. Butt Back Drill

The butt back drill works by helping you develop a good backswing. When you swing the club back, you should keep your back straight and your weight evenly distributed. This will help you generate more power and accuracy in your swing.


  • A golf club
  • A chair or bench


  1. Sit on the chair or bench and place the golf club behind you, with the grip in your hands.
  2. Stand up and swing the club back, keeping your back straight and your weight evenly distributed.
  3. At the top of the backswing, stop and pause for a second.
  4. Then, swing the club down and through the ball, keeping your back straight and your weight evenly distributed.

7. Hip Bump Drill

The hip bump drill works by helping you develop a good hip turn in your swing. When you bump your left hip into the pillow or towel, you are forcing your hips to turn. This will help you generate more power in your swing.


  • A golf club
  • A pillow or rolled-up towel


  1. Place the pillow or rolled-up towel against a wall.
  2. Stand behind the pillow or towel and place the golf club behind you, with the grip in your hands.
  3. Swing the club back, keeping your back straight and your weight evenly distributed.
  4. At the top of the backswing, bump your left hip into the pillow or towel.
  5. Then, swing the club down and through the ball, keeping your back straight and your weight evenly distributed.

8. Split Grip Drill

The split grip drill works by helping you develop a good hand position. When you hold the club in a split grip, you are forced to keep your hands separate. This will help you hit the ball more consistently and with more power.


  • A golf club


  1. Hold the golf club with your left hand in the normal position.
  2. Place your right hand on the club about halfway down the grip.
  3. Make sure that your hands are not touching each other.
  4. Swing the club back, keeping your back straight and your weight evenly distributed.
  5. At the top of the backswing, make sure that your hands are still in the split grip position.
  6. Then, swing the club down and through the ball, keeping the split grip position.

9. Head Against the Wall Drill

The head against the wall drill works by helping you maintain your spine angle throughout your swing. When you keep your head against the wall, you are forced to keep your spine angle straight. This will help you prevent topping the ball and hit it higher in the air.


  • A golf club
  • A wall


  1. Stand facing a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place the golf club behind you, with the grip in your hands.
  3. Swing the club back, keeping your back straight and your weight evenly distributed.
  4. At the top of the backswing, make sure that your head is touching the wall.
  5. Then, swing the club down and through the ball, keeping your head touching the wall.

How can I practice golf everyday?

Here are some tips on how to practice golf every day:

  • Find a practice facility near you. There are many different types of practice facilities, including driving ranges, putting greens, and short-game areas. Find one that is convenient for you and that has the facilities you need to practice your game.
  • Set aside some time each day to practice. Even if it’s just for 30 minutes, try to practice your golf game every day. This will help you to improve your skills and become more consistent.
  • Focus on your weaknesses. Everyone has areas of their golf game that need improvement. Take some time each day to focus on your weaknesses and work on improving them.
  • Get lessons from a qualified instructor. If you are serious about improving your golf game, consider getting lessons from a qualified instructor. A good instructor can help you identify and correct any flaws in your swing and give you tips on how to improve your game.
  • Practice with a purpose. Don’t just go through the motions when you practice. Have a specific goal in mind for each practice session and focus on achieving that goal.
  • Make practice fun. Golf is a game, so make sure you are enjoying yourself when you practice. If you’re not having fun, you’re less likely to stick with it.

Here are some additional tips that you can follow to practice golf everyday:

  • Track your progress. This will help you see how you are improving and identify areas where you need to focus your practice.
  • Play with better golfers. This will help you challenge yourself and learn from their experience.
  • Have fun! Golf is a great game, so make sure you are enjoying yourself.

I hope these tips help you practice golf every day.

How to Practice Golf at Home Indoors?

Here are some ways that you can practice golf at home indoors:


The most popular indoor golf practice is putting. You can practice putting by placing a few balls on a rug or towel indoors. Or, you can purchase a putting mat that can be rolled out on any smooth surface.


Another great way to practice golf at home indoors is to chip balls. You can do this by placing a few balls on a rug or towel, or by using a chipping net. If you don’t have a chipping net, you can also use a piece of cardboard or a blanket to create a makeshift target.

Wedge Shots

You can also practice hitting wedge shots indoors. To do this, you can use a wedge mat or a piece of cardboard. If you don’t have either of these, you can simply use a towel or rug.

Driving Range Drills

There are a number of driving range drills that you can do indoors. One popular drill is to place a towel or pillow on the ground behind the ball. When you swing, make sure that the towel or pillow doesn’t move. This will help you develop a good impact position.

Alignment Drills

You can also practice your alignment by using a mirror. Stand facing the mirror and hold your golf club in your hands. Make sure that your feet and shoulders are aligned parallel to the line of the mirror.

Grip Drills

There are a number of grip drills that you can do indoors. One popular drill is to place a golf glove on the ground and place your hands on it as if you were gripping the club. Make sure that your hands are in the correct position on the grip.

Swing Speed Drills

You can also practice your swing speed indoors by using a swing speed radar. This device will measure your swing speed and help you track your progress.

Here are some tips for getting the most out of your indoor golf practice:

  • Find a dedicated space. You’ll need a space that is large enough to swing your golf club and hit the ball. If you have a garage or basement, these are great places to practice.
  • Make sure the surface is smooth. You don’t want your ball to roll away or stop suddenly when you hit it. Use a rug, towel, or putting mat to create a smooth surface.
  • Start with a few balls. Don’t try to hit too many balls at once. Just focus on your form and making smooth, fluid motions.
  • Be patient. It takes time and practice to improve your golf swing. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep practicing, and you’ll eventually see improvement.

Here are some additional tips for getting the most out of your indoor golf practice:

  • Wear comfortable clothing. You’ll be doing a lot of swinging, so you’ll want to wear clothes that allow you to move freely.
  • Warm up before you start. Take a few minutes to stretch and loosen up your muscles. This will help to prevent injuries.
  • Take breaks. Don’t try to practice for hours on end. Take breaks every 20-30 minutes to rest your muscles and avoid fatigue.
  • Listen to your body. If you start to feel pain, stop and rest. Don’t push yourself too hard.

Related article: Golf Mobility Exercises: Improve Your Swing, Flexibility & Strength


Practicing golf drills at home offers an excellent way to nurture your love for the game and refine your skills without leaving your comfort zone. By dedicating some time each day to these enjoyable exercises, you’ll discover a noticeable improvement in your swing, putting, and overall performance when you return to the golf course. Remember, golf is not just a sport; it’s a delightful journey of personal growth and camaraderie. So, stay committed to these drills, have fun, and watch your game flourish, all from the cozy confines of your home. Happy golfing!

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