10 Exercises to Improve your Golf Swing Power

10 Exercises to Improve your Golf Swing Power

10 Exercises to Improve your Golf Swing Power

In the game of golf, especially among beginners, there has been an increasing emphasis on the driver. Thanks a lot, Bryson (how about that par 67? JK) All jokes aside, Bryson hits absolute bombs on the course. That extra distance is extremely beneficial in the game in golf, which can be the difference between a birdie and par.

10 Exercises to Improve your Golf Swing Power

Below are my top 10 exercises to improve your golf swing power and accuracy.

  1. Squat
  2. Deadlift
  3. Russian Twists
  4. Medicine Ball Slams with Rotation
  5. Thrusters
  6. Weighted Lunges
  7. Bird Dogs
  8. Deadbugs
  9. Cross Climber with Shoulder Tap
  10. Lateral Box Jumps

1. Squat

The golf swing begins with the legs. This is majority of where you power comes from. One of the top exercises to strengthen those legs is the squat. Squats target hip flexors, quads and glutes which are extremely important aspect of your golf swing.

How to perform a squat

First step is to have your feet shoulder width apart or further depending on comfort level. Keep your back straight and slowly begin to descend downward. Bend your knees and squat until legs are parallel to the ground. Hold for a second and return to a standing position.

2. Deadlift

Similar to the squat, deadlifts also activate the glutes hamstrings, and your core as well. Additionally, deadlifts also engage your lower back and forearms as well. The deadlift is a compound movement and provides many benefits to strike the ball with more power.

How to perform a deadlift

Personally, I enjoy a conventional deadlift, so I will explain how to perform the conventional deadlift. Start with your legs and feet shoulder width apart. Grip the bar and begin to lift with your LEGS! As you begin to lift the weight, make sure your hamstring and lower back are straight, while engaging your core. Raise the bar along the front of your legs until you get to a fully upright position.

3. Russian Twists

One of my favorite ab and golf exercises is without a doubt the Russian Twist. The Russian twist is a classic movement that will increase rotational strength and range of motion. This will lead to more power from your backswing through your swing.

How to perform a Russian twist

Russian twist can be completed with or without weight. I recommend you begin without weight and incrementally add weight as the exercise becomes easier. Start by sitting on the floor with your knees slightly bent and your heels off the ground. Begin by turning to one side of your body, tap the ground, and rotate from side to side. During the exercise you will feel the need to sway your body as you rotate. Make sure the only muscles being used as your abs, as you sit tall and keep your chest up.

4. Medicine Ball Slams with Rotation

Fourth on the list is medicine slams with rotation. Just like Russian twist, this exercise will increase rotational strength and lead to powerful swing. The exercise is another compound movement that utilizes the whole body while increasing athletic ability. This exercise works your back, shoulders and core.

How to perform a Medicine Ball Slam with Rotation

Starting position will be on one knee, because we’re married to the game. That was an awful joke, don’t leave. Let’s begin with right knee up, from there we proceed to take the medicine ball over our head to the right. Slam the medicine ball on the ground in a chopping motion, from left to right, which resembles the golf downswing.

5. Thrusters

Thrusters are a prime exercise for building explosiveness leading to a powerful swing. The thruster is a compound movement that combines a front squat with a push press. The movement works muscles in both the lower and upper body.

How to perform a thruster

As I mentioned earlier a thruster is a combination of a front squat with a push press. Stand shoulder width apart while using an overhand grip to hold the barbell. The resting position for the barbell should be on your collarbone. Begin a front squat by dropping your glutes parallel to the ground. Engage your core, push through your heels and explode up with the barbell. As you explode up, straighten your arms and extend over your head.

6. Weighted Lunges

Lunges increase the strength in the lower body and is another great exercise for golfers. Lunges exercises the glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, hips an ankles. Basically the whole lower body. This exercise will help you develop balance and coordination leading to increased club-head speed and more power behind your swing.

How to perform a weighted lunge

Stand with dumbbells at your side and palms facing towards your body. Lunge forward as far as you can while maintaining your balance. The trailing knee should almost brush the floor. Push through your heel of the front foot to bring you back to your starting position.

7. Bird Dogs

The bird dog is a simple exercise that requires you to focus on trunk control and coordination. Other benefits from bird dogs lead improves stability and relieves low back pain. The exercise targets your core, hips and back muscles.

How to perform a bird dog

First you need to go on all fours, hence the dog in the exercise name. From there you want to extend one leg, simultaneously your opposite arm should extend as well. Return to your starting spot and repeat until complete.

8. Deadbugs

Special thanks if you’re still following me because legit this exercise sounds fake. I guarantee you its real and extremely beneficial to gain extra strength to drop bombs on the course. The dead bug exercise is extremely effective in core stabilization and strengthening your spine and back muscles. Not only does this exercise improve your golf swing, it improves posture and prevent low back pain.

How to perform a deadbug

The deadbug exercise is extremely similar to the bird dog. Instead of being on all fours, you will be on your back, so get a padded mat for protection. The starting position should have your knees bent and arms screaming hallelujah.. jk but your arms should be straight the air with your palms facing each other. TIP: keep your hips and lower back still during the exercise. At the same time, drop one arm (right) and extend the opposite leg (left) until they are a few inches above the ground. Once you’ve reached a good stopping point, return back to the starting position

9. Cross Climber with Shoulder Tap

The core climber is a staple ab exercise but I decided to add another element with the shoulder tap. By adding the shoulder tap, we are looking to increase mobility and range of motion. This exercise still focuses on rotational strength but additionally engage your shoulder stability.

How to perform a Cross Climber with Shoulder Tap

The starting position for this exercise is the dreaded prank position. If you aren’t shaking like a Nokia 3000 then you’re doing it wrong. Think of this exercise as a split with lower and upper body. The first half of this exercise you will bring one knee (right) to the opposite elbow (left) and repeat on the other side. Then comes the upper body portion of the exercise as you tap each shoulder with the opposite hand.

10. Lateral Box Jumps

Box jumps alone are a great exercise to build explosiveness and boost club-head speed. Of course, we are going to make a small adjustment to make it comparable to a golf swing. We want to create rotational strength and stability, while also strengthening your legs for better ball striking and more power behind your swing.

How to perform a lateral box lunge

Stand with the box on one side of your body with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat and jump laterally onto the box, while doing so you need to rotate your body towards the box. As you land on the box, make sure you land evenly balance to work the core muscles. Also, upon landing you should ultimately end up in the squat position.

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There it is folks, my top 10 exercises to improve you golf swing power. There are still other exercises to add to the list, but these are my top 10. A common theme among most of my exercise is that they focus heavily on legs and core, which is fundamentally the foundation of your swing. Stay tuned for other tips and tricks to help improve you golf game!

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