Top 5 Kettlebell Golf Workouts

Kettlebell golf workouts

Kettlebell golf workouts are becoming extremely popular nowadays. The kettlebell is without a doubt one of the most versatile pieces of gym equipment you can own. Kettlebells, similar to dumbbells, come in different weights and have a multitude of different workouts. Kettlebell workouts will improve your shoulder stability, range of movement and control during a swing. Below are my top 5 exercises to improve strength and crush your driver. 

Basic Kettlebell Exercises

Take a look at my favorite kettlebell training exercises to power your golf swing.

Kettlebell Swing

First on the list, is the iconic kettlebell swing. Everyone does this exercise and I guarantee you, someone is in the middle of their kettlebell swings right now. The steps for one of the basic kettlebell exercises are as follows: 

  1. Hold a kettlebell by the handle with both hands. 
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and the kettlebell between your feet. 
  3. Initiate the movement by swinging the kettlebell slightly back and pull the kettlebell upwards by driving through your hips. 
  4. As you move forward straighten back and activate the core while squeezing your glutes at the top of your swing. 
  5. On the descent of the swing, lower the kettlebell slowly by hinging the hips backward and keeping the back straight.

Kettlebell HALO

In my life, I’ve learned anything named Halo is generally good. Halo ice cream and Halo the video game, have been two staples of my life. Now the third halo, an additional kettlebell workout. 

The starting point is different from our kettlebell swings. 

Grab the kettlebell handle by the sides with a palms-up grip, ultimately the handles should be at the bottom and the kettlebell on top. 

This movement is primarily focused on your upper body. 

  1. At the start, tuck your elbows and begin to move the kettlebell towards one side of your body. 
  2. For this example, we will move the kettlebell towards the left side of our body. 
  3. As you raise the kettlebell, start raising your right bicep towards your right ear. 
  4. Begin a circular path around your head… a halo! 

During the exercise, you want to keep the kettlebell close at all times. 

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (RDL)

Any form of deadlift is beneficial for the body. Single-leg RDLs are another form of a deadlift that looks to strengthen your glutes, hamstring, and core. 

The stance is different than your traditional deadlift. 

  1. Slightly stagger your stance with your feet narrower than hip-width apart. 
  2. Line your toe with the opposite heel. 
  3. Grip the kettlebell with both hips hinged evenly. 
  4. Start bending the knee until you feel a decent stretch in your hamstring. 
  5. Grip the kettlebell draw your naval towards your spine and stand tall. 
  6. Repeat the process until complete.

Kettlebell Goblet Squat

The next exercise on the list is the Goblet Squat. This is a fairly basic exercise. 

  1. Begin by holding the kettlebell by the handles with your palms facing down. 
  2. Then perform a squat. 

Yup, it’s that simple but an extremely effective workout. 

Wood Chop 

The last on the list is the wood chip exercise. This exercise has major similarities with a golf swing motion. 

  1. The feet should be shoulder-width apart. 
  2. The grip is the same as the goblet squat, as you are holding the kettlebell with the handle and palms facing down. 
  3. Begin the exercise with the kettlebell on your right hip. 
  4. Rotate your torso to the left and bring the kettlebell across your body to your left shoulder. 
  5. Repeat on both sides. 


Are kettlebells good for golf?

Kettlebells can be a game-changer for golf. They help with building strength, flexibility, and stability – all the good stuff for a solid golf game. Swing those kettlebells around, and you might find your drives getting a bit more powerful. Just remember to mix it up and have fun with your workouts!

What does 100 kettlebell swings a day do?

Doing 100 kettlebell swings a day can provide a quick and effective full-body workout. Your heart gets a good kick, burning some fat along the way. It’s a time-efficient way to improve muscular endurance and may contribute to better posture over time. But hey, start slow, nail that form, and work your way up. We’re aiming for gains, not pains!

Do kettlebells improve grip strength?

Kettlebell workouts are fantastic for beefing up your grip strength. When you’re swinging that kettlebell around or doing exercises like farmer’s walks, your hands, and forearms have to work hard to keep a grip on things. It’s like a secret side effect – you’re not just toning your body, you’re also giving your hands a workout.

Will kettlebell swings get me ripped?

Oh, absolutely! Kettlebell swings can help you get ripped. They hit a bunch of muscles at once – legs, butt, core, you name it. It’s like a full-body party. And because they’re pretty intense and make you work hard, they can burn fat and build muscle, which is exactly what you want for that ripped look.

Related article: Is Golf Exercise? Yes, and Here’s Why


Alrighty, wrapping it up – kettlebell workouts for golf? They’re like your secret weapon on the golf course. Those swinging moves and full-body action? They’re gold for getting you stronger, more flexible, and steady as a rock. If you’re dreaming of a killer swing, better endurance, or just staying injury-free, kettlebells are your pals. Just ease into it, use proper form, and mix it up with other fun exercises. Your golf performance and golf fitness is about to get a serious upgrade.

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