How to Hold a Golf Club: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’re new to golf, one of the most important things you need to learn is how to hold the golf club properly. This will help you generate more power and accuracy when you swing. In this beginner’s guide, we will teach you how to hold a golf club correctly and how to position your hands and arms. We’ll also give you a few tips on how to maintain proper posture throughout your swing. So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been playing for a while but want to improve your game, keep reading for the proper way to hold a golf club!

Holding a Golf Club for Beginners

Golf can seem like a simple game, but the grip you have on your club is incredibly important to improving your shots.

Experimenting with different grips will help you find one that gives results – so take some time and practice! 

Grabbing the golf club as if it were a baseball bat may sound fun, however all this would do at the driving range is reduce impact. 

So stick to trying out those perfect swings instead of swinging wildly in frustration or boredom!

Using the Proper Golf Grip 

Knowing how to properly grip a golf club is essential in mastering your swing. 

The dreaded slice or hook can be avoided when your hands are in the correct position, and you shouldn’t have to put a tremendous amount of pressure on the handle to keep the club steady. 

To ensure that you get good contact when swinging, your thumbs must be pointing down the shaft and create two even pressure points, what’s known as a neutral golf grip. 

This will help keep the club head on a plane to generate maximum power and accuracy for your shot, no matter how far away from the green you are. 

With practice and concentration, gripping a golf club can be second nature before you know it! 

Types of Golf Grips

There are four different types of golf grips you can use: the overlapping grip, interlocking grip, baseball grip, and ten finger grip. 

Each of these grips works differently for different types of golfers and their respective swings. 

The overlapping grip is the most popular among amateur players because it gives you more control over your shots; your left hand (if you are right-handed) will overlap your right hand with the little finger on top of the index finger. 

For a firmer hold, try an interlocking grip. This means that your left hand’s pinky finger will hook under the index finger of your right hand and keep them in place during the swing. 

If you are a beginner, you may want to try the baseball grip. This is similar to the interlocking grip but your hands stay separate, meaning that they will not touch each other during the swing. 

Finally, if you have difficulty gripping with both hands, you can try the 10-finger (or “baseball”) grip. With this type of grip, all ten fingers are on the club to help reduce tension and keep control over your shots. 

Basic Grip

The traditional grip for a right-handed golfer is the “Vardon” or “overlapping” grip. 

It starts with your left hand and placing it on top of the club handle, creating a V shape between your thumb and index finger. 

Your right hand then wraps around the handle to overlap that V shape. 

Interlocking Grip

If you are having trouble keeping your hands in sync while swinging, consider switching to an interlocking grip instead. 

Starting with your left hand, place your pinky finger over and slightly between your right index finger and middle finger. 

Do this again with your right hand by overlapping the first joint of your index finger with the second joint of your left pointer finger. 

This grip usually gets rid of the tendency to slice or hook the ball, but be careful not to get too aggressive with your hands. 

Overlapping Grip

For those who feel more comfortable with their hands on top of each other, an overlapping grip is a perfect option for you. 

With this style, your left hand should overlap the middle joint of your right pointer finger and rest near the bottom two knuckles on your right hand. 

The V shape between your thumb and index fingers should still be present as well. 

Ten Finger Grip

For those looking to eliminate the notion of “overlapping” or “interlocking”, there is the ten-finger golf grip. 

This style takes both hands and fits them on top of each other in one straight line. 

It may take some practice getting used to, but it will help create a more consistent swing path as your hands are now connected. 

Choose the Right Size Club 

When it comes to gripping a golf club correctly, size matters! Clubs come in different lengths so that everyone can find one that fits their size. 

Too long of a club can force you to adjust your posture and grip to make the proper swing, while too short of a club will take away power and accuracy. 

Finding the right length for you will go a long way in helping to hit consistent shots. 

Position Your Hands and Arms 

Once you have chosen the correct size golf club, you need to position your hands and arms properly before each shot. 

Your wrists should be straight with no bend in them when addressing the ball, and both arms should be close to your sides as if creating an imaginary line down each side of your body from shoulder to hand. 

Your left arm should remain straight but relaxed as you swing, while your right arm will be slightly bent during the backswing. 

Posture Tips for Swinging Properly 

The proper posture and stance are not only important when addressing the ball but also throughout your entire swing. 

Your feet should be shoulder-width apart with your weight balanced on the balls of your feet and toes pointed outwards slightly. 

Keep your knees slightly bent to give yourself more stability in the swing, and stay relaxed throughout so that you can make a smooth transition from one step to the next. 

Other Helpful Tips 

Finally, here are a few other tips to keep in mind for proper golf grip technique:

  • Make sure your grip is loose yet firm and comfortable. 
  • Focus on keeping your left wrist in the same position throughout the backswing and follow-through. 
  • Keep your hands relaxed as you swing—too much tension will lead to an inaccurate ball flight. 
  • Use hand aids such as golf gloves or training aids to help build muscle memory for better consistency with your grip. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why is the Proper Golf Grip Important?

The proper golf grip is important because it gives you the ability to control the club head through your swing and hit a consistent shot. A poor grip can lead to hooking or slicing, which will result in an inaccurate ball flight. 

Why does my grip make such a difference to the club face?

The grip is the foundation of the golf swing and it affects how the club face interacts with the ball. A proper grip allows you to keep your hands in sync throughout the entire swing and prevents you from twisting or turning the clubface too much. This leads to more accuracy and consistency on your shots. 

What type of golf grip should I use?

It depends on personal preference as well as what works best for your game. Generally, there are three main types of grips to choose from: overlapping, interlocking, and ten-finger grip. Experiment with each one to see which feels most comfortable for you and helps you hit consistent shots. 


Gripping a golf club properly doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating; it just takes practice and dedication! Once you gain an understanding of the basics and how to position your hands and body, you’ll be ready to hit the course in no time. So put on your golf shoes, grab a club, and get started! 

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