About Me

Being a retired athlete, might be one of the toughest things you go through.

After all the road trips, practices and games…it’s over, just like that, in a blink of an eye.

Luckily, for me and my competitive nature, I found the game of golf. The great game of golf.

Hey, I’m Zandro and on my page, we’re going to learn the best golf tools, techniques and products for extremely amateur golfers. As we develop our skills we will take a deeper dive and review pricier products.

At some point in our life we have all been exposed to golf one way or another.

The first time being exposed to the game, was good ole mini golf. Of course, we know that is now only one aspect of golf and actually enjoyable at the time.

Luckily for me, I played basketball and football majority of my life. It was extremely rare I picked up a golf club.

Except occasionally joining my dad at the range. That mostly consisted of him giving me tips and then shanking the shit out of the ball. Can’t forget the cussing as the result of the shots!

Fast forward a couple years, as I recently graduated college from good ol Iowa Wesleyan College. Go Tigers! I was on the football team and played quarterback, clearly a little athletic.

Coming back to my hometown Camarillo, I noticed majority of my friends had started to play golf.

Just like everyone, once you start playing, you’re hooked!

For me, I’m sure it’s the same for other, there was always one shot that made me love the game and bring me back.

Most of the time it was nailing a long putt or a piss rocket off the tee with my driver.

I have been playing consistently for about 2 and half years now and an average golfer (20 handicap)

I wouldn’t change that for the world and I truly love the game.

So here I am…sharing my story, and hopefully inspire others to start playing the game.

Hopefully, I can steer you in the right direction.

Luv u,


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