Top Bicep Exercises for Golfers to Improve Distance and Accuracy

bicep exercises for golfers

We’re going to take a look at the top bicep exercises for golfers can incorporate into your workout routine ASAP. A common misconception is that biceps don’t play an integral part in your golf swing, but I’m here to say that’s false. There is a multitude of reasons to have strong biceps. The major benefit is having jacked arms.

On a serious note, these exercises will help develop stronger arms contributing to a powerful and accurate swing. Not only do these exercises strengthen your muscles, they also reduce the risk of injury such as golfers elbow. For those of you that don’t know, golfers elbow is a condition that causes pain where your forearm tendons attach to the bony bump on the inside of your elbow. I know what your thinking, OUCH! Any time away from the game is just no bueno, just for you mental health and your game overall. Below are my top exercises to massively grow your upper body strength.

Best Bicep Exercises for Golfers

Hammer Curls


  • Pair of dumbbells


  • Stand feet shoulder width apart
  • Grip the dumbbells around the mid-high part and have your palms face each other
  • Dumbbells should begin at your side
  • Curl the dumbbells until your thumb reaches shoulder height. Pro tip: keep biceps still as you bring up the dumbbell.
  • If you are swaying or using your whole body, then lower the weight

Supination Curls


  • Pair of dumbbells


  • Starting position can either be sitting down or standing up, just need to have your back straight
  • Stand shoulder width apart
  • Grip the dumbbells around the mid-high part and have your palms each other
  • Contract your biceps and begin to curl the dumbbell
  • As you are bringing up the dumbbell, rotate your hands facing upwards
  • Make sure to squeeze the bicep at the top of your curl
  • Move arms down to starting position

Resistance Band Curls


  • Resistance bands


  • Stand shoulder width apart with your feet on the resistance bands with your palms facing forward
  • Contract biceps and curl your hands to your shoulders 
  • Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement
  • Return to starting position

Pronated Biceps Curls

Saving the best for last with the pronated bicep curls. This exercise helps strengthen your triceps and deltoids as well as your bicep. 


  • Back to the dumbbells we go


  • Start by standing shoulder with apart
  • Grip the dumbbells in the middle and have your palms face down
  • Contract biceps and curl your hands to your shoulders with your fist facing downward
  • Return to starting position

These are the top bicep exercises above to increase swing power and accuracy, which can be the difference between a bogey and a par. Improvements to your golf game come off the course as much as they do on the course. Try these bicep exercises the next time you are in the gym and see the results on the green. Good luck, blessings and riches!


What bicep exercises can I do with golfers elbow?

If you’re dealing with golfer’s elbow, go easy on your bicep workouts. Try isometric bicep holds by pushing against a wall, and use light weights for curls, making sure you don’t overdo it. Hammer curls and reverse bicep curls with a chill grip can be easier on your elbow. Don’t forget to stretch those wrist flexors too. Take it slow, listen to your body, and if the pain sticks around, chat with a pro or a physical therapist for some tailored advice.

What is the number 1 best bicep exercise?

If you’re looking for a killer bicep exercise, a classic go-to is the standing barbell curl. It’s like the rockstar of bicep workouts because it hits those muscles hard and helps with overall growth and strength. But hey, mix it up with other exercises too – variety keeps things interesting and makes sure you’re working all the angles for those guns!

What upper body exercises can I do with golfers elbow?

If you’ve got golfer’s elbow, go easy on your upper body workouts. Try stuff like pull-ups with your palms facing each other, lat pulldowns, seated cable rows, face pulls, and dumbbell rows. Keep it chill, focus on control, and maybe throw in some tricep kickbacks with body weight exercises. Start slow, see how your elbow feels, and skip anything that hurts. Don’t forget to warm up and stretch, and if things aren’t getting better, chat with a pro or a physical therapist for some personalized tips.

How do you build arm strength in golf?

If you want stronger arms for golf, mix it up with a combo of exercises. Work your whole body with stuff like squats and deadlifts to build a solid base. Throw in rotational moves like cable twists and medicine ball throws to mimic that golf swing action. Don’t forget your arms – add curls, dips, and wrist curls, but keep it chill and watch your form. Squeeze stress balls to beef up that grip, stretch out your arms, and mix in some cardio like jogging or cycling. Start light and crank up the weight as you get stronger. If you’re unsure, chat with a fitness pro for some personalized advice, especially if you’ve got any health stuff going on. Just have fun with it and swing those golf clubs with confidence!

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Adding bicep exercises to your golf fitness routine can seriously up your game. Focus on moves like bicep curls and hammer curls to build strength, and throw in some chin-ups or pull-ups for a full upper body workout. Strengthening your bicep muscles not only adds power to your swing but also helps with stability and control.

But it’s not just about lifting weights – make sure to keep things flexible and work on joint mobility. This combo of strength and flexibility will keep your biceps ready for the dynamic moves of a golf swing.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Tailor your workout to your needs and maybe chat with a fitness pro to make sure you’re on the right track. Consistency is key, so stick with it, and watch your golf game level up.

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